DGET-06/24//17/02 - TC


Recognized by - Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, Govt of India
CAll US: +91-8744001907

Principal's Message

We at AIICT, Ghaziabad believe in nurturing the child in the radiance of the AIICT, Ghaziabad Philosophy and AIICT, Ghaziabad ` Vision summed up in the institute motto “Excellence in Education and all round development. It gives me immense joy to see that our institute has, over the years, acquired the true mark of excellence, not only in the field of academic Learning, but in all areas of educational activity. Youth resonates with infinite potential. Youth is our future. I believe that the students' accomplishments will exceed our wildest dreams.

"The institute is in constant and continuous process of educating and enhancing the students' personality and knowledge, infusing them with a greater degree of confidence and poise than what their predecessors gained from the institute.