In this Constantly Changing Society , young minds are Pitted against drastic changes in their enviorment , In these formative years they need a genial , tranquil and natural learning enviroment . AIICT, Ghaziabad provides all these to the child . Our Aim is the holistic development and nurturing the unique qualities of each individual entrusted in our care. In order to inculcate life skills beyond the classroom , the students encouraged to nurture group dynamic by interactions at various levels under the well trained and highly motivated faculty .
We Endeavour to ignite the human spirit and the minds of our wards and teach them how to grow continuously and broaden their horizons , which is the object and reward of learning . With the ever increasing demand of competitions , fast changing values , pressure of challenging careers and increasing love for materialistic life it has become difficult for the individuals to retain prime values, we are trying to foster courage & kindle optimism to tackle such adversities.
Alongwith imparting value -based education and making them technologically vibrant we are resolved to stand with the marginalized and less fortunate , to work together in caring for our earth its flora and fauna and in educating others in the responsible use of its resources . we hope thus , to be instruments of reconciliation , pardon and compassion . we cannot underestimate the importance of this mission because our very existence tomorrow depends on it and our capacity to counter the negative impact of social trends a violence and materialism. We have reflected a kaleidoscope of learning , adventure , creativity and positive approach of our young minds through writing and drawing. I hope this effort of our young minds will serve as a stepping stone towards many milestones we have to cover in pursuit of excellence.